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Token Pricing

Network Migration Package
$10,000** Setup Fee

We will migrate your token from any non-Ethereum Network* and create your v3 Uniswap liquidity pool and add DiVinciPay to instantly create utility for your ecosystem and become a utility token. 

The Network Migration Package includes the Utility package

* Networks include Binance, Tron, Avalanche and Polygon

Utility Package

$3,500**    Setup Fee

If your token is already on the Ethereum Network then add your token to the DivinciPay network and instantly create utility for your ecosystem and become a utility token. 

Token Utility Demos

Both packages require a monthly DiVinciPay subscriptions at $99.  CLICK HERE to setup
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If you have an ERC-20  token that you would like added to our checkout, click the Add Token button below

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